About Eureka OUTDOORS

Our message

Eureka Outdoors (formally Eureka Tactical) was formed with one central message, "Hunting Equals Conservation". The Australian landscape has been decimated by introduced animals that have gone feral, and so without hunting, the Australian landscape would be severely damaged. Australia needs hunters, so let Australia see what you're about.
Who we are

Daniel Kuhl

I have been shooting and hunting for the previous 15-years, starting off with small-bore target and trap shooting, and hunting on farms mainly targeting pigs. Professionally, I worked in one of Australia's largest gunshop's for 3 years before moving onto becoming a firearm instructor for another 5 years whilst simultaneously working in the security industry. I graduated with a Bachelor's of Science, majoring in biology, with minors in wildlife ecology and environmental science. Hunting, shooting, and conservation are deeply important to me. 
Check out my instagram

James Buckle

I have been hunting, target shooting and firearm collecting for over ten years. After serving a brief stint in the army, I started an Australian firearm lobby called Firearm Owners United. I currently work within the private security industry, and split my time between mixed martial art training, fitness and pushing the message that Hunting = Conservation.
Check out my instagram

Where we came from 

We started talking at the end of 2020 about the lack of hunting and conservation apparel options, so we started doing some designs and decided they're good enough to launch. We hope you enjoy the products.
Thank you,
Eureka Outdoors
Got a general inquiry? info@eurekatactical.com
Got a sales inquiry? sales@eurekatactical.com