
It’s 2022. You’d be semi-forgiven into thinking that hunting is an older, forgotten pastime. Afterall, food grows on the shelves of supermarkets and grocery stores doesn’t it?

The truth couldn’t be further from that - hunting is flourishing. Not only as a recreational pursuit, but as an aid to conservation, and as a way of life. We asked a diverse group of people one simple question: Why do you hunt?

Lucas Dassios; Mixed Martial Artist

Instagram: lucas.dassios

Image retrieved from @lucas.dassios Instagram

There are many reasons why I hunt. The main reason as to why though would be for the fact that I enjoy being able to go out into the forest and come home with free range meat to provide for my family. It's a lot different than just going to a supermarket and buying meat. There's a much greater sense of appreciation for your food when you know exactly what took place for that meat to be on your plate, that it didn't pass through multiple hands before yours.

Another big reason I enjoy it is because of the challenge that it provides. Which makes it so much more rewarding when one comes home from a successful hunt. Most of my hunting is done with hounds, however I also stalk, and backpack into some remote areas in search of game.

The comradery that comes with hound hunting is unmatched by anything else. Sharing a campfire with great mates and good hard working dogs after a hard successful hunt is a great feeling and from this I have gained memories for the rest of my life. I hunt because I feel it's what makes us human, it's what we are meant to do. To me being out in the wilderness hunting for game is the real world. I feel the majority of society is so detached from the real world, caught up in technology and news. When you're out in the bush, nothing else seems to matter at that time. Your senses are heightened and your focus is solely on one thing, to successfully and humanely harvest an animal.

Kadeja Assaad; Conservationist, hunter, angler, bush regenerator 

Instagram: kadz.huntress

Image retrieved from @kadz.huntress Instagram

Why I hunt…

The reason why I hunt is because of two reasons.

One, for conservation, as it goes under every belief I have in order to keep a healthy ecosystem. Hunting feral/introduced animals in Australia is really important as it helps keep balance, and to give our native wildlife a chance to generate and thrive. Two, fresh organic meat, and a healthy diet for my growing family is 100% so important in my household.

Hunting helps our country and also gives me the chance to explore further from home. Meeting new people and gaining an extension to our family is always exciting. So grateful to everyone I have met in the industry as I have learnt so much from their own experiences.

My name is Kadeja and I am a Conservationist.

Michael Wild; Firearm Owners United - President, Shooter, plumber

Instagram: myferalute

Image from Michael Wild

I don't have specific reason for hunting, it's largely something I need to do. My dad has a property which is infested with rabbits who eat the food they grow, and they need to be removed. It's a great feeling to be able to help out farmers with pest problems, while having a good time with friends and family. Hunting allows me to own and shoot firearms, go camping, and spend time outdoors.

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